Beata May Majewska is a Polish artist currently living in Krakow, Poland. She grew up in a small village near Lublin, in a conservative family of teachers. From an early age, having a sense of isolation, even alienation from the world of art, she searched for all ways to come into contact with it. She did not succumb to inculcated stereotypes and dogmas. At all costs, she wanted to reactivate the dreams of her mother, who lulled her talent as a painter in her youth and lost it. Beata cultivated her artistic passion in various ways - against everyone and everything - she painted and took part in most of the artistic competitions that took place in her education system. And so, the impossible became possible. After graduating from high school, wishing to gain new levels of education, she became a laureate of the national competition of one of the leading newspapers in her country - Gazeta Wyborcza – “Win the Index”. Despite the lack of faith in her own abilities, she defeated thousands of people. She did it! She fought for her dreams and won. In this way, she began her BA studies at the Faculty of Painting at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Kazimierz Dolny on the Vistula River. This charming little town has always been a Mecca for artists and is still today! This is where Beata's adventure really began. Under the supervision of professor Jacek Wojciechowski, she graduated with honors. However, throughout this period, she was looking for more stimuli. During her studies, she decided to go to London, where, living in the vicinity of the Natural History Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum and Science Museum, she absorbed the inspiration of great artists, trying to shape her own ,,I". It is here, in a dynamic agglomeration teeming with urban life, that the artist underwent an internal transformation. After returning to Poland, she defended her bachelor's degree - her works were saturated with industrialism, the background was car engine sections. In her work, she focused on the existential problem, identifying a man with a machine as an integral part of its being. She devoted the following years to this issue, also during her master's studies at the Faculty of Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts. Jan Matejko in Krakow. It is here, in the city which is the cradle of culture in Poland, under the tutelage of professor Andrzej Bednarczyk, that the artist polished her technique. In 2007 she joined a new artistic formation called Artyści Zaściankowi. The form of a manifesto became the group's doctrine - from locality to universalism. It is a peculiar monument showing Polish everyday life and nostalgia for what was and is not. The cooperation resulted in collective exhibitions - In memory of what has not passed yet. This experience turned out to be a turning point in Beata's artistic career. With time, she chose an individual path. Beata - a consumer (passionate) of life, traveler, painter, writer, and above all, a mother. A woman of many talents. When asked what distinguishes her, she always answers briefly: courage and heart. This is what her work exudes. He creates with remarkable awareness, which results in strengthening the form of his message. Extravagance, unconventionality, reaching to the roots, engaging in dialogue with taboo topics strengthened the artist's style. Looking at her paintings, we have the impression that they are entering into a polemic with us. As recipients, we feel called to the blackboard, and we feel like taking part in a given discourse with an irresistible desire. The consistency of the vision, the magnetism of colors, uniform backgrounds and earthy figures find their way into our identity in an innovative way. Beata paints out of the need of her heart, creating coherent series of works. Her message and inspiration is a strong, determined, heroic woman. A being that is an integral part of the world around us (as evidenced by the necessarily appearing golden line). He carefully traces the circles that are an allegory of the world. Thus, it prompts us to reflect on the ephemeral moments. She perfectly plays the role of her protagonists. By showing them in various configurations, it gives them dynamism. The full range of feelings builds the mood of the painting. Beata is an unquestionable painter of emotions, a transmitter of good energy and a guarantor of reflection. Her active lifestyle meant that sport became a good medium of information for her. Through her work, the artist gets used to one of the elements of the earth - in particular water, which she is terrified of. The nature around her became her mentor in the creative process. She leaves the studio at different times of the day and night. Constantly creates. Everything filtered by her mood reveals ordinary and extraordinary things. The very act of painting is a kind of prayer for the artist. Do you see baby what surrounds us? - I continued my argument. Earth is a huge magnetic field. We were isolated from it by the enormity of asphalt, concrete and the footwear with rubber soles – I pointed my finger at her shoes. This made us pay too high a price for the comfort of civilization. The consequences are tantamount to disturbances on the physical and mental level of people. It's a bit sad. Our bodies are overloaded with positive charges, in order to survive, we must discharge them based on Mother Earth. - I invite you to a euphoric experience! An excerpt from the book by Beata Majewska May - No love, No drugs, Some sex, Little rock'n'roll. Consumer of life.
