Dionne lives on the edge of the moors in a village just outside Bradford. Dionne originally trained as a ceramicist at Loughborough College of Art and Design and pursued ceramic sculpture for a number of years after graduation. In early 2000's due to a number of life changes, Dionne gave up ceramics and started making mixed media works. She puts food on the table by working as Development Librarian which means bringing literature, culture and creativity to the people of Bradford.
Dionne's work is currently a combination of paintings and mixed media relief pieces that combine embroidery, paper clay, precious metal clay, paper, watercolor, ink and found objects. Each piece is accompanied with a poem as a response to the physical work. Dionne pursues experimentation with these varying objects, movements, textures, techniques, lines, writings and temperatures to present information and expressions, to convey a patchwork of passing revelations; a sequence of unconnected or connected answers which may or may not offer the possibility of a coherent ‘story’ and is always looking to go somewhere unexpected.