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Eleanor Rodwell/ Drawings & Sketches

Eleanor Rodwell is an East Anglian-based artist, whose practice centres around the body and its response to environment and emotional experience. Her work uses this corporeality to explore personal anxieties, relationships with home, autonomy and a maternal instinct. Flitting between a variety of mediums, her works encompass tactile, intimate objects, bodily manifestations and large-scale fabric drawings. She is drawn to the immersive state of automatic, strenuous processes, often working blind and impulsively to express the internal subconscious.

Recent bodies of work shift in focus, from exploring the anxious relationship with home during the pandemic, to female roaming and embodied walking, to rurality and the violence but familiarity of the countryside. Resonant throughout, though, is her ongoing interest in translations, conflict, mark-making as a form of thought and highlighting mutual experiences of vulnerability.


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