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Hector Geoffrey Dokopoulos Hamilton/ Autumn Issue

Artist, published Writer, Engineer, Polymath, Hector Hamilton studied Mathematics and Philosophy at St. Hugh's College, Oxford University, and also completed an Electronic Engineering degree at the University of Southampton where he then pursues a ph.D. After picking up drawing, Hector took a number of traditional intaglio printmaking classes at the Royal Drawing School in Shoreditch and this quickly became has main medium to work in. First exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts in the Summer Exhibition of 2018 for "BRUTALLY UNTITLED", post-pandemic Hector racked up a large number of exhibitions including at the Royal West of England Academy, Royal Scottish Academy, Royal Hibernian Academy, as well as the RE Printmakers, and was also awarded the Nana Shiomi Young Printmaker Prize in 2022 at the Wells Art Contemporary.

Hector's inspiration came from a science fiction setting with occult and archaic elements he worked on, also inspired by current and past events, and had written short and long works and compiled a significant amount of lore on. These elements made its way into many of his prints. More recently Hector was also exhibited at the Royal Watercolour Society for a Sumi-e ink painting, and he has started to take up pastel as well as ink drawing from real life.


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