Ian Bride’s creative practice draws on years as an interdisciplinary academic/ teacher/ researcher/ practitioner working in biodiversity conservation, environmental education, and experiential learning. He has degrees in Zoology, Energy Studies and Biodiversity Management, a BTEC in Art and Design, and was an Associate Artist at Open School East in 2018. He has taught a subjects ranging from Shore Ecology to Guiding and Interpretation, and Woodland History and Management, and is a qualified cabinet-maker and teacher of traditional woodland crafts. In 2020 he took early retirement to pursue his creativity, and has since exhibited, notably in the 2021 Turner Open, the 2022 Saltaire Open Arts Trail, and the 2022 Fifty Bees project.
''As an 'early career' artist, albeit one relatively 'long-in-the-tooth', I draw upon extensive knowledge and skills to explore explore human/nature discourses through narrative practice engaging with objects (natural and human-made), representation, and a wide range of processes. I am comfortable experimenting with almost any materials and ways of making, and my creativity is currently focussed on challenging traditional epistemological assumptions primarily generated by positivistic science, and offering a perspective that encourages the 'reader' to engage with environmental/human issues from a novel perspective.''