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Igor Grechanyk/ Sculpture & more...

Igor Grechanyk has gained recognition for his unique ability to give form to the undefined and

embody the collective unconscious in his works. His art is deeply rooted in esoteric doctrines and ancient mythology, allowing him to unveil the inner, mystical elements of his sculptures. His works carry pronounced symbolism.

In his creative practice, Grechanyk employs the concept of "open form," which offers multiplicity and layers of interpretation. The artworks themselves typically contain multiple levels of meaning, stimulating the viewer to actively participate in the creation of new significances.

Grechanyk demonstrates a supreme level of artistic mastery, experimenting with form and space in his works, creating new visual impressions that blend realistic elements with contemporary concepts, resulting in unique images.

In Grechanyk's solid sculptures, form is conveyed as a single concentrated sensation of the artist, sometimes exhibiting a certain monumentality. Even these solid sculptures often have one side left open, gaps, caesuras, and breaks in form, demonstrating a tendency toward dialogue with space and the viewer. These gaps and caesuras become places where the viewer can project their thoughts and emotions, transforming a static object into a dynamic process of interaction.

Grechanyk's transparent sculptures and their combinations with solid meaningful fragments—framework forms filled with air and light—challenge conventional notions of massiveness,

opening new perspectives of perception. The emptiness within these forms is not merely an absence of material; it is filled with a complex network of markers that lead to new meanings. Interaction with light and space allows them to seemingly disintegrate into multifaceted elements. This process resembles the unfolding of a complex palette of sensations and meanings, which, like atoms, form a multilayered structure of the work. Thus, the transparent sculptures invite the viewer to delve into the depths of their energetic essence, where each element interacts with the surrounding world, creating new meanings and impressions.

Igor Grechanyk graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture in Kyiv. He has held numerous exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad, including solo projects in museums and galleries, and has participated in art fairs and festivals worldwide. His works are widely held in private and museum collections in Ukraine and around the world. He is a laureate of prestigious Ukrainian and international awards and the creator of a number of monumental public works.


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