Keemar resides and works in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. Keemar has been a psychotherapist, educator and clinical supervisor for over 30 years and his work as an artist has been inspired and informed by this work.
Moments, memories and experiences that have moved and touched him, inspired and depressed him, astounded and reassured him. Moments which have stirred and rocked his humanity and reminded him of the intense privilege it is to encounter human beings in the raw state of being themselves, however difficult or wonderful that state may be.
Each of us surviving, sometimes thriving; needing and sometimes seeking a sense of unity. We can find a connection with ourselves and others. We can make sense of the life and circumstances that are unique to each of us.
Therapy & Life Series One are works the of the abstraction of feelings, emotions, concepts, ideas and experiences from Keemar’s work & life as a psychotherapist and artist.
Art as abstraction from Therapy, Therapy an abstraction from life.
Disallowing anything recognisable in the art series; Keemar has sensed when each one was complete, when he felt it had a sense of unity. Keemar hopes to evoke your own senses, allowing you the viewer to notice how you are impacted, sensing what you think, feel and experience. Exercising your personal perspective and linking the abstractions to your own unique life and experiences.