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Kiki Klimt/ Spring Issue

Kiki Klimt is a researcher of life. She experimented in many art media. For the last nine years, she returned to the tradition of painting and has been developing a unique way of painting, “Painting with light“.

Love is the key: I love Beauty, I love Life, and I have always tried to understand what is hidden in the intertwining of everything that exists, what is this hidden secret. I have been driven by curiosity all my life; my father gave me this gift, and I am infinitely grateful to him for it. He is a poet and an eternal dreamer, and my mother was a tireless researcher and scientist. So maybe that’s why I combined the two in my life and became a researcher of dreams called life and the all-encompassing Beauties of Creation. I discovered it was hidden everywhere. So now I am trying to give some of this experience to everyone else through light, color and geometry.”

She graduated from painting in 1997, finished her master degree in sculpture, and in 2009 got a doctorate in art. She was a guest professor at many universities and participated at symposiums and conferences. Today she is pro-dean at Arthouse College for Drawing and Painting in Ljubljana. Her works were present in galleries in New York, Berlin, Zagreb, Ljubljana, etc.


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