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Spirenkov Vadim/ 'COLOURS'

Spirenkov Vadim was born on April 8, 2004 in Vidnoe. In 2008 he moved to Yaroslavl, where he lives and studies to this day. In 2013, he entered the art school and graduated in 2018. From 2020 to 2022, he studied at the art department of the Children's Art School No. 1 in Yaroslavl. In 2021, he became the prize-winner in the nomination “painting” International Prize for Contemporary Art among teenagers Teen Art Awards. The work "Why do we need art?" was presented in June 2022 at the exhibition of Prize winners in the Master Gallery, St. Petersburg. In the fall of 2022, it is planned to print the catalog. In the same June, "Apple" and "Gorilla and Rat" were presented to the public at the Boomer Gallery, London at the exhibition Contemporary III.

I - Creation

My canvases, first of all, should give aesthetic pleasure, like all media working with the visual part. But I don't want to go into one solid beautiful visual that doesn't contain any plot or statement.

Sudden ideas come to me, which I write down in a notebook with drafts. Usually these are visual images, sometimes words, sometimes plots. And after a while I go back to the sketch and make it into a beautiful "wrapper".

The work should establish contact with the viewer so that the audience catches the eye. And only then she will be able to immerse herself in the world of the artist's reasoning, in this case, in my world.

II - Message, content, research

I don't have a clear set research goal. And the research is meticulous for me.

The whole life is a gigantic research work, which can be divided into smaller works.

So I explore – I write down all the thoughts that I have in the course of life. My works are a reaction to the events and trends of the modern world.

There is especially a lot of criticism on my canvases, and you can criticise everything. There is, probably, provocation as an instrument of attention.

Maybe I'm studying the "Russian man", because I am one myself. At the moment I am learning about life, the life of a young man in Russia.

III - Pink

Pink color is present in all my works (with the exception of "Free running"). Why pink?

For me, this color is a symbol of innocence and openness. There is a lot of pink in a person. Skin, internal organs, muscles… This is nature itself, naturalness, the beginning of everything.

Of course, pink is different for everyone. But its brightness and softness attract everyone.


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